About Us
Dr. Cagri Latifoglu
email: mynamemysurname@consultkit.app
Coursework During PHD/MS
- Convex Optimization
- Discrete Optimization
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Advanced Probability Theory
- Stochastic Processes
- Real Analysis
Ph.D., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, September 2012 Dissertation: “Models for Production Planning and Power Procurement Portfolios”
M.Sc., Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY,
MS in Industrial Engineering, September, 2006 Thesis: “Analysis of Consignment Contracts for Spare Parts Inventory Systems”
B.S., Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY,
BS in Industrial Engineering, May 2003
Coursework After Phd
Massive Open Online Courses (Mooc)
Grade Achieved: 100.0% for all 6 MOOC courses
Coursera | deeplearning.ai
Earned Deep Learning Specialization Certificate by finishing the following 5 courses.
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects
- Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
- Sequence Models
Coursera | Stanford University
Industry Experience
Invent Analytics
Senior Data Scientist September 2020 - April 2022
Work From Home, Ankara, Turkey
- Worked on integration of integration of open source optimization solver service that can be utilized by all Invent Products.
- Designed and integrated a new optimization model to current inventory solution of the Invent. Coded in PySpark, ran on Amazon EMR clusters.
- Completely designed, architected, coded, implemented, optimized, parallelized, deployed an omni channel simulator for strategic decision making. Submodules: Allocation, Replenishment, Offline Demand Fullfillment, Online Demand Fulfillment, Order Generation. Prototyped and debugged in Python, then rewritten in C++ as a Python library to increase the performance more than 30x. Can handle realistic customer data scenarios.
- Completely designed, architected, coded, implemented, optimized, parallelized, deployed the random demand generation module for the omnichannel simulator. Written in C++ as a Python library.
- Designed and integrated a novel optimization model for online fulfillment to omni channel simulator.
- Developed a fast greedy heuristic for the novel fulfillment optimization model developed for the omnichannel simulator.
- Developed a perishable inventory simulator for testing the assertions in the literature regarding the perishable inventory optimization policies.
Yapi Kredi Bank
Software Development Engineer/Senior Business Analyst April 2013 - February 2014
Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
- Designing a discrete event simulation system with a team of software engineers which is used for forecasting and managing workload.
- Developed and implemented a forecasting method for predicting operational volume for banking processes.
Academic And Research Experience
Ted University
Assistant Professor February 2016 - August 2020
Ankara, Turkey
- Worked on The Shortest List Colour Routing Problem (SLCR), developed to Integer Programming Models to solve SLCR.
- Worked with Dr. Mirbek Turduev and Dr. Sinan Hanay on designing nanophotonic structures using machine learning. Article accepted for publication in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology [2].
- Industrial Engineering Senior Project I & II
- Computational Tools for Industrial Engineers
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Planning II
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Supply Chain Management
- Mathematical Modeling & Optimization III
- Lean Process Design
- Introduction to Statistics
Senior Project Advising
- AI and Optimization Enabled Smart Machine Design
- Warehouse Order Allocation and Picking Optimization Pipe Production Shop Layout Optimization and Simulation Receiving Area Layout Optimization and Simulation
- Optimization of Semi-Finished Goods Inventory
- Item to Shelf Assignment in Chemicals Storage
- Item to Shelf Assignment in Warehouse
- Integrated Forecasting, Production and Inventory Planning
- Forecasting
Compute Resources System Administration for IE Department
Thk University
Assistant Professor February 2014 - January 2016
Ankara, Turkey
- Conducted administrative duties as Interim Head of Department.
- Worked with Dr. Tayfun Kucukyilmaz on bin-packing problem. Implemented Arc-Flow Formulation in Python using Gurobi Python API for comparison with island parallel genetic algorithms.
- Production Planning
- Operations Research II
- Supply Chain Management
- The Fundamentals of Industrial Engineering
- Project Management
- Introduction to Operations Research
- Probability Theory
- Discrete Math
- Calculus II
Lehigh University
Research & Teaching Assistant August 2006 - April 2011 | Bethlehem, PA, USA
- Developed a robust optimization formulation and accompanying solution heuristic to immunize a weekly production plan against a given number of uncertain hourly power interruptions, [1].
- Conducted research on polynomial relaxation techniques for integer programs.
- Conducted research on robust optimization.
- Teaching Assistant for Computational Tools for Industrial Engineers Course.
- C. Latifoglu, P. Belotti, and L. V. Snyder. Models for production planning under power interruptions. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 60(5):413-431, 2013.
- M. Turduev, E. Bor, C. Latifoglu, I. H. Giden, Y. S. Hanay, and H. Kurt. Ultra-compact photonic structure design for strong light confinement and coupling into nano-waveguide. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, PP(99):1-1, 2018.