About Us

Dr. Cagri Latifoglu
email: mynamemysurname@consultkit.app


Coursework During PHD/MS

Ph.D., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA

PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, September 2012 Dissertation: “Models for Production Planning and Power Procurement Portfolios”

M.Sc., Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY,

MS in Industrial Engineering, September, 2006 Thesis: “Analysis of Consignment Contracts for Spare Parts Inventory Systems”

B.S., Bilkent University, Ankara, TURKEY,

BS in Industrial Engineering, May 2003

Coursework After Phd

Massive Open Online Courses (Mooc)

Grade Achieved: 100.0% for all 6 MOOC courses

Coursera | deeplearning.ai

Earned Deep Learning Specialization Certificate by finishing the following 5 courses.

Coursera | Stanford University

Industry Experience

Invent Analytics

Senior Data Scientist September 2020 - April 2022

Work From Home, Ankara, Turkey

Yapi Kredi Bank

Software Development Engineer/Senior Business Analyst April 2013 - February 2014

Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey

Academic And Research Experience

Ted University

Assistant Professor February 2016 - August 2020

Ankara, Turkey



Senior Project Advising


Compute Resources System Administration for IE Department

Thk University

Assistant Professor February 2014 - January 2016

Ankara, Turkey




Lehigh University

Research & Teaching Assistant August 2006 - April 2011 | Bethlehem, PA, USA




  1. C. Latifoglu, P. Belotti, and L. V. Snyder. Models for production planning under power interruptions. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 60(5):413-431, 2013.
  2. M. Turduev, E. Bor, C. Latifoglu, I. H. Giden, Y. S. Hanay, and H. Kurt. Ultra-compact photonic structure design for strong light confinement and coupling into nano-waveguide. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, PP(99):1-1, 2018.